Tips for Succes Viral Marketing
by SvtNiacorps
projects offer maximum brand impact in the least amount of time. If
you create awesome viral content, then people are going to want to share
it. When people share your awesome viral content, they are marketing
your brand for you.
Emotions, Make Them Feel Something
– One of the most significant things you can do would be to entice a very strong emotion from your viewer or reader. If your viral content expresses an idea, has an opinion, both with dedication and commitment, then people will get their blood pumping with excitement, and that is what you want.Possible emotions:
- Love or hate
- Be an egotistical bitch or a deeply compassionate person
- Be insanely angry or happy
- Be a genius or an idiot
Viral marketing is 100% about emotions.

Simple and Unique – Whatever your project is, a website launch or a video, it is basically a container for your message. If your message is valuable, it will be shared. People enjoy finding and sharing something they believe to be of value.
Relevant – Make sure your project is relevant. It could be about a popular trend, a current event or something in your industry, but whatever your viral content is going to be, being sure it is relevant. If it is not relevant, why would anyone view it, let alone share it?
Just Do It – Sometimes a great idea can be ruined by poor execution. Make sure the written elements and design of your project are aesthetically pleasing, fresh and flawless. If you believe your design and content are “blog-worthy,” and what you have to say is an interesting story, bloggers will certainly want to write about it. And they will want to link back to you. Then, after a certain point, be sure to upload the logos of those blogs which covered your project. Blogs and their logos are a great way to build your brand. To develop your reputation, as a powerhouse social media force, this could be used to tie a series of projects together.
Blogs for reference – Buzzfeed, Top Cultured, Fork Party, The Frisky, Instructables
Optimize, Optimize, Optimize – The duplication of your message should be undeniably effortless. Make it easy for your audience to use the “share method” they use the most, the social media they prefer to comment and post your project. Include the correct sharing buttons, customized hashtag, the perfect text, etc. Sharing your viral content should be a one-click action.
Think about it, at the heart of viral marketing is sharing, when your audience shares your latest project, your business is the winner, gaining more subscribers on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere and everywhere your audience can think of to share your content. Every time your audience shares your content with someone new, you get more publicity.
Planting the Seed – You need to submit your viral content to as many relevant content sharing tools as possible.
Giveaways – there isn’t a person on the planet that doesn’t like free, everyone loves free things, frees makes people happy. Giving something away always works and it works for spreading the word about your viral project because when people get something for free, and they are happy about it, they tell other people. You can giveaway mp3s, eBooks or something completely different, yet relevant to your viral project. Just be sure what you are giving away is not “junkie” or something you yourself would not want.
Never Restrict Access – Viral marketing is about allowing your viral content to find a life of its own. You want it to spread like a virus, only with a better response. In order for your project to spread, it needs to be free.
Never add restrictions, do not require people to:
- to register
- to become members
- to download special software
- to enter “unlock” codes
- to do something, anything, to get the right link
Viral marketing is never about exclusivity.
Allow Comments – Another central element is being able to connect with your audience. Since you got their attention, you made them “feel” something; they probably want to talk now. Comments are one of the most effective paths to communication with your audience – communication being a two way street.
If you have done your job correctly with your viral content, some people will love it and some will hate it. You will have to accept both. This does not mean you have to tolerate mean or hatefulness to one another for opinion.
You will have the power to delete hurtful comments, and you should. You should not delete negative comments regarding your viral content, everyone has an opinion and when you put up a comment section, you are inviting all comments.
And the most important aspect of the comment section – your participation. If you are not going to participate (thank them for comments, engage in relevant question and answers, etc.) then don’t put up a comment section.
SEO – Once your project does go viral; make sure people who have heard about it have an easy time of finding it. Don’t neglect your search engine optimization.