increase your website speed


website has become an important factor in terms of ranking in google and in other search engines. Gone are the days when the websites were built with html tables with loads of java scripts, dhtml and flashy objects and large images. Nowadays if your website isn’t light and fast your rankings can be affected.
How to get rid of that? At first check your website speed. This tool is free and it will give you a fair idea about how much time it takes to load. Also you can take help of this to calculate the page speed of your website. Don’t forget to check the website size too. This is very important since google is incorporating the speed factor into their search results. If you want to rank high in google searches you must consider this factor with utmost importance.

Use less Java Script Objects

The first and foremost step is to get rid of unnecessary java script objects. Search engines can’t read java scripts, so it will not help you to achieve a higher rank instead it will decrease your website speed. After removing them check your website speed again. Isn’t it a little faster?

Don’t use flash movies on your landing page

Flash movies also make your website slower. Use them in inner pages if you have to. Sites with lots of videos will take a lot of time to load.

Use a Good Host

If you can avoid shared hosting packages specially if you have a large website. A good cheap dedicated or VPS or hybrid hosting will work well.

Get rid of large images

Don’t use a heavy background image or lots of images in your homepage. Use css to make your website looks great. An average user won’t wait for more than a few seconds to visit your website. Specially for business sites it will affect a lot.

Get rid of Twitter Updates on your homepage

You might have seen how much time it takes to load the sites using twitter updates. If the twitter server is busy then it will affect your website loading time too. Avoid this if you can.

Get rid of too many advertisements specially banner ads

Too many advertisements also make your website slower. If you use banners try to host the banner images on your server. It will make your site faster.

Try to use excerpts in your homepage if you have a blog

You might have come across many blogs which have full posts on their homepages. 10-20 posts with lots of images, videos, etc make their blog homepage slower. If you are one of them try to use the excerpts in your homepage.

Take the help of Image Size Reducer

If you have to use images in your homepage, then I will suggest you to take the help of image size reducer. There are so many tools online and offline to do the job fairly well.

Last but not the least

Making your website faster can improve your ranking in the search engine results but there are lots of other parameters controlling the ranking of your website. So if you want to optimize your website for search engines like google, you have to consider those other factors too. Try to visit my website later for more tips and guides or subscribe the feed.