Archive for 2012

Online Marketing Strategy for Small Business

Online Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses
You should start by exploring different strategies and techniques that can be used on the Internet. These strategies will enhance and maintain your business’s general marketing aims. You need to learn how to carry out particular promotions, such as banners, how to generate online traffic which is targeted, how to position your content, and learn about brand responsiveness.
Bear in mind that men and women shop differently. Men often walk into a store and just gather up what they came in to buy. Women, however take their times to browse and observe new products.

Top 9 Internet Marketing Strategies

Are you are just starting your online marketplace strategy? The top 9 listings beneath will enable you to get started on a layout that is working for many.
1. Start with a web campaign layout and an effectual web design.
2. Get ranked at the top in significant search engines, and exercise beneficial Search Optimization Techniques.
3. Learn to apply Email Marketing Efficiently.
4. Dominate your marketplace niche with associate, reseller, and associate programs.
5. Seek an analysis from an Internet marketplace instructor or Internet marketplace consultant.
6. Build an approachable opt-in email listing.
7. Advertise articles or get listed in news stories.
8. Write and advertise online press releases.
9. Facilitate and administer contests and giveaways through your web site.
By following the above directions you’ll be on course to creating a solid internet marketplace strategy that could bolster your company substantially.
Action items for the smaller online retailers
To compete against bigger retailers earmark these following cutthroat tactics in mind. Develop a businesslike web site and make it appear equally alluring as the larger player’s sites. Contemplate focusing on a particular or niche audience that is likely to be over looked by the bigger retailer. Offer an exceptional service.
Make your consumers so contented that they address others in relation to you. Master search engine optimization and search engine marketplace techniques.
Beneath See 5 Levels to help you
• Marketing/Prospecting to your Objective Marketplace and Audience
• Build Trustworthiness and Confidence
• Escort and Encourage the Purchaser through the Process
• Deliver the Product or Service that meets their requirements
• Successfully Close the Sale

Internet Marketing Strategy What Can it does for you:

Having an Internet marketplace strategy gives you a significant way to analyze your marketplace and position your company so that those appearing for what you have to offer are finding you effortlessly. This is just the first level of the sales process, but it is crucial to the achievement of your online company, but bear in mind traffic marketplace is not sales. Traffic can be improved by search engine optimization, via pay per clicks, or market your site in promotion campaigns.
Following completion of the marketplace step which brings the traffic you need to therefore address your interest to selling to your visitor after they get there. How are you approaching those potential consumers that are visiting your site? Are you persuading them to adopt the action that you want them to adopt? Have you defined what it is that you want them to do? Maybe you want them to buy a product?
Seek more information. Subscribe to a bulletin or seek a free report. These are known methods and tactics that you can apply online to amplify your conversion rate and get that prospect to become a purchaser or client. Contemplate this “What is the yearly value of one consumer to you?” Is it $25, $250, or maybe $2500? If having an Internet Marketing Strategy would aid you develop and win over just 1 new-found consumer every week would outlay that strategy be worth it to you?
The Fact is that Internet Marketing differs in many degrees from conformist brick and mortar marketplaces, but there are some strategies that remain identical and need to exist in order for your online marketplace to be effective. When anybody enters a physical store they are met with the communication of a sales person. Personal approach, over 90% of the time takes place.
Conventional communication is usually non-verbal between the 2 people. Websites or virtual storefronts as I prefer to call them don’t afford that communication which is non-verbal to take place in the customary way and the amiable sales person is replaced with a technology which is cold.
The crucial question we need to ask ourselves is “How can you deliver that human interaction to potential consumers so that you are able to encourage that client or consumer through an effective sales process?”

Internet Marketing Strategy: Why is it Important?

An Internet Marketing Strategy is as equally important as a company layout. Ascertain why it is important and the risks and issues you can face if you proceed devoid of one. Would you start a company excluding a company layout? Would you place your ads in an inapplicable category just to see if anybody would call up? Would you pay thousands of dollars to have a signboard advertisement fashioned and positioned where there is no traffic? If you are amongst the significant of company owners you presumably answered no to all of the above questions.
Businesses are especially canny when it comes to spending marketplace dollars, but truth is the majority of companies have neglected the most effectual marketplace tool that they have they are just met with disillusionment. Do you know anybody who has experienced the following issues?
  • Negligible sales and conversion.
  • Hundreds of dollars are being paid for traffic leads but still there is no conversion from that traffic.
  • Subscriptions to newsletters or reports that you offer are slim to nothing.
  • You’ve received just minimal seeks for services or products by email or phone ever since your site launch.
How could avoid these issues? An Internet Marketing Strategy can help position you to reach your objective. An Internet Marketing Strategy can help you find the niche marketplace and can be increased. Whilst the answer seems easy the process is somewhat more involved but critical to the accomplishment of a company that is ready launch online.

Increase in Traffic Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Increase in Sales

When it comes to making your own website or blog, many people will search for ways to getting more traffic. This is often beneficial since more traffic means the chance of getting more sales or more revenue. However, there should be emphasis on the world “chance”. More traffic does not necessarily mean that you will get more sales.
Get Targeted Traffic
Just because you are getting more people to your site, it does not mean that they want to buy your products or will click on the links that you provide. You need to get traffic that has been targeted for your site. This is all about having a good marketing plan.
Targeted traffic is the audience that you are marketing towards – the audience that is likely to want your product that you are selling. No matter how much traffic you do get, if you do not get them visiting your website, you will not get the sales that you were expecting.
How to Get the Targeted Traffic
The first step is to have your marketing plan. You need to determine who your target audience is. This will help you determine the types of marketing that will work best for your audience. For example, if you are targeting the older generations, online-based marketing is not always your best option; they are more likely to pay attention to adverts in the newspaper or flyers through the door. However, if your target audience is the younger generation, you will likely do best with the use of social media marketing and other forms of online advertising.
Set up your marketing plan with your targeted audience and determine the best forms of marketing. Make a list of all of these and any others that you may want to try. There are some of the older generation who use computers so you cannot rule online advertising out completely.
Online Advertising?
Online advertising can be extremely effective in getting targeted traffic to your website. The benefit is that it just means a click or two and they will be there. There are some methods that have proven to be extremely beneficial for many companies and are on the top of most marketing companies’ lists.
The first is the use of forums. Take your time to find forums that link to what you offer on your website. You will need to be careful with the rules on each forum but you will usually be able to put a link into your website in your signature. You will need to post often and talk to people – not just promote your business and website. If people feel comfortable talking to you, they will likely check out your business to see what you offer.
Article marketing is another popular option and is very effective. This is where you create – or have someone do it for you – articles that are based on a similar topic to the products or service that you offer. You can then include links to your website or your own bio and post them on free article directory sites. There are plenty around which will allow back links to your website. Just make sure that the articles are high in SEO quality so others will find them.
A third option is to have sponsored blog reviews. Find other sites that offer something similar to you or work in the same industry and then check their Alexa rating. The lower the number on the Alexa rating means that the site is good and is getting a good amount of traffic per day. Once you have a list of blogs that have a rating of 500,000 or less, you can write to the site owners and ask for them to do a blog review on your products or services. This is a great way to let their readers know about your products or services, so they are more likely to check you out.

SEO and Branding – Develop your Business Growth Strategy

SEO and Branding Strategy
Both branding strategies and search engine optimization (SEO) are powerful tools of the trade. However, they are somehow antagonistic, and you may often find yourself forced to choose between them when doing business. Although it’s not impossible to find a way of getting them to work together, we will summarise a few reasons you should use internet advertising as a branding strategy, in terms of SEO and branding strategy.

What does search engine optimization actually mean?
Webmasters like to strategically customise written content in order to make it search engine friendly. This is usually done by inserting long tail keywords into posts at a certain density. High keyword density (3-4%) will make written content more sensitive to search engine queries, and therefore the website will be displayed at the top of the search results pages. Hiring professional writers to provide SEO friendly content is actually cheaper than paying Google to offer you the top spot. In terms of business, SEO can earn you money from two different points of view:

  • more traffic, meaning more ad clicking and therefore more revenue to be earned
  • more visitors, meaning more potential clients

Can SEO become a part of your brand strategy?
Actually, it can. However, it depends on what kind of online business you’re into. Building up a brand image for internet exposure is slightly different than any traditional business context. To be more specific, it’s a known fact that SEO is perfect for advertisers. Ads usually detect visitors’ geographical location, which obviously narrows down your targeted user area. You can therefore use SEO and expect users to find your brand among local search results (Google comes with different search settings and domains for each country, for example for the United States, for the United Kingdom, for France etc.). Wicked, isn’t it?

SEO and branding strategy, the friendly way!
Now that you know what it’s all about, here are a few tips you should take into account when branding your company in an online business. Remember: branding is the key to a successful business, but it won’t do all the work for you.
  1. Be unique. Come up with a creative name for your company, something which has never been used before. This is a very important SEO and branding strategy. When it comes to search results, this will also clearly distinguish you from other companies, something that wouldn’t happen if your names were similar.
  2. Make a new name. This is what branding is all about in the first place. Think about an appropriate user name to register with social networks and domains. Just to be sure, check its availability on – it might be already taken! If so, no worries! Your imagination has no boundaries; you will definitely be able to come up with something new.
  3. Use keywords in your website’s tag line. Tag lines are displayed on your website, below the title or in the status bar of your browser window. Never use keywords in titles – it’s tedious and sometimes draws readers’ attention away from the main thing your website is all about. Moreover, taglines are way more sensitive to search engine queries.
  4. Connect. Get involved. Don’t limit yourself to a mere website. Dedicate a Facebook page and a Twitter account to your business. People who spend a lot of time online are usually dedicated to social networks, so that would be another way to spread the word about your brand. Once you’re done setting up your business online, commit to it and get used to spending time online on a daily basis. Potential customers won’t enjoy slow response – they will feel ignored and probably make a bad impression.

How To Make Money With Clickbank for Free

The internet has become a platform to promote the products or services of various companies to their clients. This has opened numerous channels of generating income for various people. You can also use this opportunity to add some extra cash in your hand using the tool of the internet, without much fuss. There is ample scope to make money with clickbank for free. Here is a step by step guide for to start an online business with clickbank.

How to make money through clickbank:

Clickbank has become a renowned internet based affiliate marketing site from where the selling of varied products and services is picking up pace. It is a trusted website and returns of money are guaranteed from it. You might be interested to make an extra income through these simple processes and lead your life in a better manner.
You can make money through clickbank by various ways. Some of them are discussed below-
  • Make money by selling online

    - You need to have an account on the website tostart making your fortune over the internet and avail the facilities of clickbank. You will be provided with an ID on joining clickbank and you have to insert that ID in the URLs of the product site. This will bear your reference to the product. As an affiliated marketer, you need to promote these products using the URLs. You can also use your ID number as reference to link the site of the products that are to be sold. In this way, you will be subjected to referring the products to potential buyers. If any customer buys the products online, you will get a share or percentage of the cost of the product, since you will be shown as the person who has referred the product to the client. However, the percentage of the commission varies. This also has an added advantage. Many publishers of books or magazines provide their online buyers with a link that urges them to become members. In this case, the buyers have to pay a certain amount of money to the publishers as a membership fee, a percentage of which is also paid to your account. All these will provide you to have the extra benefit of online business with clickbank.
  • Make money by selling ebook

    – Another process of making money over internet is by selling ebook on clickbank. You can create your own ebook and sell it on clickbank. You will then be able to get a percentage of the selling price of your book from, if it is sold further. The more the numbers of your ebook sold from the website of clickbank, the more commission you will be able to cherish. The commission rates vary in between 50 to 70 percent. You can also create a website on reviews of the ebooks and refer them to the visitors of your website. This might create curiosity about the ebook among the potential buyers, which might in turn lead them to the clickbank website, from where they would buy your ebook. In this process, the sales of your ebook from the website will increase, thereby, increasing your chance of making more money with clickbank.
You may also follow some potential customers with follow-up emails. In course of time, it might be able to raise the curiosity among them and they may visit clickbank and buy your ebook.
  •  Start a Blog – A blog can help you a lot for making money with clickbank. Whether you sell your products or others’ a blog can be a solid platform to boost your business with clickbank. People will visit your blog, if you are able to make it appealing enough. That would in turn become a very positive ground of you to create a base of innumerable fan-followers. In this case, you can place links of your clickbank account referring products and services to your fans, who will in turn oblige you by visiting the linked sites. Even, they can buy the products or services and click on the posted advertisements, virtually filling your account with incentives from clickbank.
  •  Build Your List – You surely send newsletters and emails to a number of people. For which you need to build an email list of your targeted audience. Build a relationship with your potential customers. This will help you a lot in future. You can also utilize a good email marketing software here. Now craft a newsletter referring your clickbank ID with products and services to them and make them surely click on it after reading the material that you have sent to them. To add to this, you will certainly be at the profit-making end, if by any means you are able to provide your visitors with the products or the services they are looking for. If any such incident happens, you will definitely get loyal customer base who would add to your moneymaking process.
Other people may also turn up into your site for information and thereby click on the advertisements or promotions. This will certainly add to generate you revenue from clickbank. In this way, you might use the facility to expand your reach to other potential customers and expand your contacts who will help you to make more money with clickbank for free.

Make Money On Facebook

Making Money on Facebook is Easy

Everyone has a Facebook account, right? You, all your friends, co-workers, family and distant relatives, even some dogs and cats you might know have Facebook pages. So is Facebook a big waste of time, or can you really make money on Facebook?
Not Only for Big Businesses
make money on facebook
To be just like the big businesses, many small businesses believe that they can simply start a Facebook page and that’s pretty much the end of it. However, they quickly realize they are not pulling in the big bucks like the big businesses. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Small businesses can use Facebook to advertise their business starting at $5 a day and reach television-size audiences, beginning locally and then reaching all the way around the world. What’s more, they can customize their advertisements through Facebook to run similar to any other Internet marketing campaign.

Here are a few tips to making money on Facebook:

Combine Marketing Plans
Whatever your marketing plans or strategies work best for your business, combine them with Facebook and see your business grow. If your website happens to convert traffic rather well, use your Facebook page to drive traffic there. If your business is good at email marketing, use your Facebook page to sign up more email subscribers. Keep doing what you know your business does best.
Think of Facebook as Social Email
In order to have your followers not only see but read your updates in their feed, you’ll have to “wow” them in the first few posts. Somewhere in the range of 30 percent or above open rate on your emails is awesome. But the problem is, you can’t send your subscribers an email everyday or they will get upset and unsubscribe. However, with Facebook, you can send out an update everyday and no one will question you.
Growing Fans or Growing Subscribers
You will need to decide if you want to grow fans or grow subscribers, you cannot do both. You can try, but it won’t be effective, you’ll end up losing one or the other.
If you want to grow fans, then have them click the “LIKE” button right on your ad. Do not send them to a custom webpage to enter their email to get to your Facebook page, most of them won’t do it and you’ll lose both a fan and a subscriber.
If you want to grow subscribers, set up a subscriber page on your website as well as an option on your Facebook page.
Don’t force your customers to choose between being a fan and a subscriber, allow them to choose.
Engage and Talk to your Fans
If you make every post on Facebook a “call to action” you will lose your fans pretty quickly. Talking to them, engaging them in relevant topics will keep them coming back to your Facebook page as well as having them stay on as loyal customers.

Offer Them Something for a “LIKE”

This may sound a little like blackmail, but its not. Many large businesses and retail companies are running ads that are actually large coupons. They feature a photo of one of their products or services and the text might say something like: “Take 50% OFF one item today only when you LIKE us on Facebook”. It would be your decision if the coupon ad would be for your online store or your “real” store, in which case customers would need to print the ad coupon out once they were given an access code.
If your existing customers, who have already pressed the “LIKE” button, feel left out, you could place a link inside the ad for a special 25% OFF one item which takes them to your Facebook page and requests their email address for verification. This will also get you more email subscribers.

Make Money With Twitter

When Twitter was first released, people couldn’t seem to get enough of tweeting. They began tweeting their every move to total strangers so they could feel important. But with most social media type items, someone somewhere quickly pointed out that Twitter was simply a waste of time. Unless of course you could figure out, how to make money with it.
You don’t have to be a large corporation to make money on Twitter. Small businesses and entrepreneurial types can and do make large incomes with their Twitter accounts, and lots and lots of followers.
Here are several ways to make money using Twitter.
make money with twitter

Allow your Followers to Run the Show

– This would work for almost all types of businesses but especially for the creative kind such as t-shirt companies, promotional items and logo businesses and bakeries.
A business could solicit their Twitter followers for creative ideas for new products, new logos or new recipes. The business could either hold a contest for the best new idea, or offer a select amount of new ideas up to their Twitter followers to vote for a winner. The winner, no matter which way they are chosen would have their idea turned into a product to be featured at your store. They could also be awarded an awesome prize.
When your Twitter followers participate in helping your business with new ideas, they feel as if they are a part of your team, a part of something bigger than themselves. And your business will receive more product ideas, more followers on Twitter and more importantly, more paying customers.

Sell Something

– Your business doesn’t have to be a major competitor in whatever you are selling. You simply have to think like and act like your company is the biggest and the best, and one day, it will be.
The latest trend in online sales is businesses setting up a “limited supply only” sale of one item each day. The idea behind this type of sale is to entice buyers to get excited about a particular item, usually set at a great price, so they will want to buy it before the last one is sold.
Businesses who participate in this one sale item a day will typically start the sale every day at midnight. Because most people will bookmark a business’s website but forget to visit it with any regularity, the best way to remind customers of that day’s sale item is with a tweet.
Later in the day, when the supply of the one item sale is dwindling, it is a good idea to send out another tweet about the daily item and how sales are going. You could tell your Twitter followers exactly how many sale items are remaining, if sales have been going like gang-busters or slow as molasses. This second tweet about the sale item will help those sitting on the fence to make a purchase or wait until midnight for the next great item to be brought up for sale.

Use Your Twitter Account as a Commercial for Various Businesses

– This is not exactly a new concept, one of the first companies to offer Twitter users an opportunity to post short commercial type tweets began in August 2009.
Twitter users with larger lists of followers are encouraged to sign up with Sponsored Tweets. Once you have an account, you can set your per-tweet price and sit back and wait for an advertiser to offer you a “job” tweeting their ads. Some of the advertisers the Sponsored Tweets have worked with in the past include Kmart and other major department stores.
Sponsored Tweets allows the Twitter account holder to write their own tweet based on the advertisers guidelines, or the advertiser could provide a tweet for their new commercial tweeter.

Create and Sell Twitter Apps

– Many creative individuals have come up with different Twitter apps they have presented to Twitter. These Twitter apps help Twitter users save time. Once these apps are approved, Twitter places the new apps in their app store so millions of Twitter users could purchase and use the new Twitter app.

Retweeting 101

Just ask – Ask your Twitter followers to retweet your tweets, especially if they are tweets for sales. You can make a contest out of retweeting, for example, the individual who will retweet your tweet the most in a four hour span wins a free lunch or other prize. You will find your business has many new Twitter followers by the end of the day.
Keep it short – Twitter allows only 140 characters per Tweet, but when you want your followers to retweet something for you, keep it short. This allows someone to retweet your message and add their own little note afterwards.
The ideal tweet to insure a retweet is approximately 105 characters or less. Practice brevity whenever possible and you’ll find more and more retweets of your original tweet texts.

Make Money on Craigslist

There are a couple of ways to make money on Craigslist, both of them are simple and cost little or nothing to implement and will typically make you lots of money.
You can place ads on Craigslist or you can sell used items on Craigslist.

Placing Ads on Craigslist to Make Money

Because it is the largest free advertising space that receives millions of hits each day, Craigslist makes the perfect place to sell things. Many businesses will employee individuals to place ads on Craigslist for them, giving the person a small wage per ad successfully posted.
Another option is Affiliate Marketing on Craigslist. The only problem with Affiliate Marketing on Craigslist is it’s not allowed.
So you may be asking, how do people make money on Craigslist with Affiliate Marketing if it’s not allowed? That’s a very good question.

Sell Physical Items

People who “shop” on Craigslist are looking to purchase something, not be sold something. Yes, there is a difference. You can sell your affiliate’s website, or product through a DVD, eBook or a seminar.

selling on craiglist

DVD – If you are an Affiliate Marketer for someone and want to use Craigslist because it is the largest free advertising space that receives millions of hits each day,
eBooks – Even if you are not a writer, you can hire one to write about your products and services in the form of an eBook. People love to get downloads of eBooks filled with usable information, relevant information they can use to solve their problems.
Seminar – If you are going to advertise for a seminar, you will need to produce one, either for online or in person. There are many avenues in which to come up with a good seminar people will want to attend, to learn more about your products and services.

Selling Used Items on Craigslist to Make Money

This idea has been around a long time, since Craigslist was invented in 1995 by Craig Alexander Newmark.
Locating Free Used Items
There are a couple of ways you can find the used items you’ll want to place for sale on Craigslist: in your own home, or on stuff for free websites.
Your Own Home
Let’s face it, there are only going to be so many used items you want to part with, and that will take care of the first few for sale ads. After that, you will need to find somewhere else to replenish your stock of used for sale items.
Garage Sales and Flea Markets
You may be able to find a few relatively cheap items at garage sales or flea markets. However, the people who are holding garage sales or selling items at a flea market booth are trying to make money as well. They won’t be giving away anything or selling used items cheaply.


Craigslist – The first place you should look for free used items is Craigslist. There is a section labeled “Free” under the “For Sale” section. There you will find various items, in different state of used which you can pick up from the owner.
Freecycle – Freecycle is a website located all over the United States, in every city and most all communities, big and small. This is where individuals and families post their unwanted and used items they do not want to see end up in a landfill. It is like recycling or repurposing old, usable items to someone who can use the items.
You will need to sign up for a Freecycle account and abide by the rules. Freecycle is a Yahoo Group.
Local Yahoo Groups – There are many Yahoo Groups with local connections which are set up like a Freecycle but they may also allow members to sell items as well as offer free used items.
Cleaning and Mending
Once you have the items home, you may need to do a little cleaning and/or mending of the items to make them usable and presentable again. Do not spend a lot of time or money doing this or you will not be making money on your sale.
Photographs Sell Stuff
Once you have your used items clean, working and ready to go, you’ll want to take a couple good photographs of each item. People will want to see what the items are before they contact you. No one wants to come to your house, or meet you somewhere, only to find that the pots and pans you advertised are the wrong kind.
Meeting – If you are selling small items, it is best to meet the person interested in your used items somewhere other than your home. This meeting could take place at a supermarket, library or the mall. You can meet in the lobby or near the entrance and not go inside if you don’t want. The idea is to meet were there are other people and you will both feel more comfortable.
Money – It is always best to only accept cash. Cash is about the only thing that cannot be scammed. Well, not that easily. Money orders and personal checks are easily forged, or part of some type of scam. It is best to leave the personal checks and money orders out of your deals and only accept cash.

increase your website speed

website has become an important factor in terms of ranking in google and in other search engines. Gone are the days when the websites were built with html tables with loads of java scripts, dhtml and flashy objects and large images. Nowadays if your website isn’t light and fast your rankings can be affected.
How to get rid of that? At first check your website speed. This tool is free and it will give you a fair idea about how much time it takes to load. Also you can take help of this to calculate the page speed of your website. Don’t forget to check the website size too. This is very important since google is incorporating the speed factor into their search results. If you want to rank high in google searches you must consider this factor with utmost importance.

Use less Java Script Objects

The first and foremost step is to get rid of unnecessary java script objects. Search engines can’t read java scripts, so it will not help you to achieve a higher rank instead it will decrease your website speed. After removing them check your website speed again. Isn’t it a little faster?

Don’t use flash movies on your landing page

Flash movies also make your website slower. Use them in inner pages if you have to. Sites with lots of videos will take a lot of time to load.

Use a Good Host

If you can avoid shared hosting packages specially if you have a large website. A good cheap dedicated or VPS or hybrid hosting will work well.

Get rid of large images

Don’t use a heavy background image or lots of images in your homepage. Use css to make your website looks great. An average user won’t wait for more than a few seconds to visit your website. Specially for business sites it will affect a lot.

Get rid of Twitter Updates on your homepage

You might have seen how much time it takes to load the sites using twitter updates. If the twitter server is busy then it will affect your website loading time too. Avoid this if you can.

Get rid of too many advertisements specially banner ads

Too many advertisements also make your website slower. If you use banners try to host the banner images on your server. It will make your site faster.

Try to use excerpts in your homepage if you have a blog

You might have come across many blogs which have full posts on their homepages. 10-20 posts with lots of images, videos, etc make their blog homepage slower. If you are one of them try to use the excerpts in your homepage.

Take the help of Image Size Reducer

If you have to use images in your homepage, then I will suggest you to take the help of image size reducer. There are so many tools online and offline to do the job fairly well.

Last but not the least

Making your website faster can improve your ranking in the search engine results but there are lots of other parameters controlling the ranking of your website. So if you want to optimize your website for search engines like google, you have to consider those other factors too. Try to visit my website later for more tips and guides or subscribe the feed.

Tips for Succes Viral Marketing

projects offer maximum brand impact in the least amount of time. If you create awesome viral content, then people are going to want to share it. When people share your awesome viral content, they are marketing your brand for you.

Emotions, Make Them Feel Something

– One of the most significant things you can do would be to entice a very strong emotion from your viewer or reader. If your viral content expresses an idea, has an opinion, both with dedication and commitment, then people will get their blood pumping with excitement, and that is what you want.
Possible emotions:
  • Love or hate
  • Be an egotistical bitch or a deeply compassionate person
  • Be insanely angry or happy
  • Be a genius or an idiot
Don’t try to please everyone and forget neutral, you will never be able to be totally unbiased. You cannot support several target groups at one time, it will never work.
Viral marketing is 100% about emotions.
go viral
Simple and Unique – Whatever your project is, a website launch or a video, it is basically a container for your message. If your message is valuable, it will be shared. People enjoy finding and sharing something they believe to be of value.
Relevant – Make sure your project is relevant. It could be about a popular trend, a current event or something in your industry, but whatever your viral content is going to be, being sure it is relevant. If it is not relevant, why would anyone view it, let alone share it?
Just Do It – Sometimes a great idea can be ruined by poor execution. Make sure the written elements and design of your project are aesthetically pleasing, fresh and flawless. If you believe your design and content are “blog-worthy,” and what you have to say is an interesting story, bloggers will certainly want to write about it. And they will want to link back to you. Then, after a certain point, be sure to upload the logos of those blogs which covered your project. Blogs and their logos are a great way to build your brand. To develop your reputation, as a powerhouse social media force, this could be used to tie a series of projects together.
Blogs for referenceBuzzfeed, Top Cultured, Fork Party, The Frisky, Instructables
Optimize, Optimize, Optimize – The duplication of your message should be undeniably effortless. Make it easy for your audience to use the “share method” they use the most, the social media they prefer to comment and post your project. Include the correct sharing buttons, customized hashtag, the perfect text, etc. Sharing your viral content should be a one-click action.
Think about it, at the heart of viral marketing is sharing, when your audience shares your latest project, your business is the winner, gaining more subscribers on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere and everywhere your audience can think of to share your content. Every time your audience shares your content with someone new, you get more publicity.
Planting the Seed – You need to submit your viral content to as many relevant content sharing tools as possible.
Giveaways – there isn’t a person on the planet that doesn’t like free, everyone loves free things, frees makes people happy. Giving something away always works and it works for spreading the word about your viral project because when people get something for free, and they are happy about it, they tell other people. You can giveaway mp3s, eBooks or something completely different, yet relevant to your viral project. Just be sure what you are giving away is not “junkie” or something you yourself would not want.
Never Restrict Access – Viral marketing is about allowing your viral content to find a life of its own. You want it to spread like a virus, only with a better response. In order for your project to spread, it needs to be free.
Never add restrictions, do not require people to:
-       to register
-       to become members
-       to download special software
-       to enter “unlock” codes
-       to do something, anything, to get the right link
Viral marketing is never about exclusivity. 
Allow Comments – Another central element is being able to connect with your audience. Since you got their attention, you made them “feel” something; they probably want to talk now. Comments are one of the most effective paths to communication with your audience – communication being a two way street.
If you have done your job correctly with your viral content, some people will love it and some will hate it. You will have to accept both. This does not mean you have to tolerate mean or hatefulness to one another for opinion.
You will have the power to delete hurtful comments, and you should. You should not delete negative comments regarding your viral content, everyone has an opinion and when you put up a comment section, you are inviting all comments.
And the most important aspect of the comment section – your participation. If you are not going to participate (thank them for comments, engage in relevant question and answers, etc.) then don’t put up a comment section.
SEO – Once your project does go viral; make sure people who have heard about it have an easy time of finding it. Don’t neglect your search engine optimization.

Make MORE Money From HYIP

Making money from High-Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) is not complicated at all. In fact, it’s a great start-up for new investors. It’s not true that investing is only for the rich. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be cautious enough. Before registering into a HYIP, I’d suggest you get in touch with a customer representative to see how fast they reply back (if they reply back in the first place) and how well they answer your question.
You can use a HYIP for either cashflow purposes or for capital gain.
After you’ve done all your homework on a particular HYIP and you decide on investing some of your hard-earned money in it, you should keep the following in mind:

Does the program returns back the principal?

Principle is the amount initially invested in the program. Let’s say you deposit $100, that amount is your principle. Some HYIPs do return the principle back after maturity; some don’t.

Does the program offers compounding options?

Compounding means re-investing your earned interest every day. Let’s keep to the $100 example and assume that the HYIP you’ll be investing money in offers a 4% daily interest for 10 days. This means that one cycle for this HYIP is 10 days. It also means that you will be earning $4 a day if the program doesn’t offer compounding. If the program offers compounding options and you decide to set it to 50%, this means that you will be re-investing 50% of the daily profit back to your principal. This would look something like this:
Day 0 – $100 invested – 4% daily interest – 10 days – 50% compounding rate
Day 1 – earned $4: $2 added to the $100 and $2 withdrawn as interest
Day 2 – 4% on $102 ($100 + $2) – $4.08: $2.04 added to the $100 and $2.04 withdrawn
Day 3 – 4% on $104.04 ($102 + $2.04) – $4.16: $2.08 added to principal; $2.08 withdrawn
Day 4 – $106.12 – earned $4.24: $2.12 added to principal; $2.12 withdrawn
Day 5 – $108.24 – earned $4.32: $2.16 added to principal; $2.16 withdrawn
Day 6 – $110.40 – earned $4.41: $2.20 added to principal; $2.20 withdrawn
Day 7 – $112.60 – earned $4.50: $2.25 added to principal; $2.25 withdrawn
Day 8 – $114.85 – earned $4.59: $2.29 added to principal; $2.29 withdrawn
Day 9 – $117.14 – earned $4.68: $2.34 added to principal; $2.34 withdrawn
Day 10 – $119.48 – earned $4.77: $2.38 added to principal; $2.38 withdrawn
If the principle is returned at the end of the cycle, you will receive the $119.48 at the end as well. If the principle is not returned at the end of the cycle, you will receive $19.48 for the growth AND all the interests as shown above.

Short-term, long-term or both?

The best thing to do is to have a variety of programs working at one go. If you’re a new HYIP investor, you can start with 1 or 2 fast and short-term programs. (With fast I’m not saying that you should invest in programs promising 1001% after 3 days). You can start with as much as $10 in most programs. Of course, the more you initially invest, the faster and larger the growth.
When starting with 1 or 2 fast and short-term program, you can then use the money earned from those programs to invest them into long-term and more stable programs.

Should I secure my initial investment?

You can secure your initial investment as soon as you can in most programs. This can be a few days in a few programs; longer in some others. Even when you have the chance to secure your initial investment in a few days, you also have the other option to let your money grow for you and leave the money there. It’s your call. However, it would be a smarter decision if you secure your money invested as soon as possible, without compromising much your investment growth. You can then keep using your daily interest to keep on building your investment. If you do secure your money after a short period of time, that will assure you that all that comes from that HYIP from then onwards is pure profit. Not bad, eh?

Cashflow or Capital Gain?

You can either use an investment for cashflow purposes (to pay your expenses; needs or luxuries) or else for capital gains. If you want to be in investment programs only for cashflow purposes, then most probably you’d be better off investing in HYIPs that offer compounding options so you can withdraw your interests daily.
If you have other means for your income and you can afford a few months without touching your investments, you can wait until your investment matures and then withdraw your investment in the end. The principal growth will be much bigger this way than if you were withdrawing interest on a daily basis.
 There is another option for you: you can have some investments for cashflow reasons and some for capital gain reasons. This is usually the option that is mainly recommended. You get the best of both worlds.

What do I do with the money earned?

You might be thinking that this is rather a stupid question but it’s not. There are many people out there who make thousands of dollars a month and are still not wealthy or rich; they still struggle; they are still in a lot of debt.
This is because the money they earn is immediately spent in things that we don’t really need. This means that whatever your income is, you will still remain in debt; you will still struggle financially, even if you are earning $10,000 a month more… Most people increase their expenses once they start earning more, so more money doesn’t always mean people will become rich. You need to change your attitude with spending. Don’t live below your means but don’t spend randomly either.
The best thing to do with the money is to invest them in other assets that will earn you passive income, such as real estate for rental purposes and stocks. Also, secure your wealth by buying gold and silver.

increase your website speed

website has become an important factor in terms of ranking in google and in other search engines. Gone are the days when the websites were built with html tables with loads of java scripts, dhtml and flashy objects and large images. Nowadays if your website isn’t light and fast your rankings can be affected.
How to get rid of that? At first check your website speed. This tool is free and it will give you a fair idea about how much time it takes to load. Also you can take help of this to calculate the page speed of your website. Don’t forget to check the website size too. This is very important since google is incorporating the speed factor into their search results. If you want to rank high in google searches you must consider this factor with utmost importance.

Use less Java Script Objects

The first and foremost step is to get rid of unnecessary java script objects. Search engines can’t read java scripts, so it will not help you to achieve a higher rank instead it will decrease your website speed. After removing them check your website speed again. Isn’t it a little faster?

Don’t use flash movies on your landing page

Flash movies also make your website slower. Use them in inner pages if you have to. Sites with lots of videos will take a lot of time to load.

Use a Good Host

If you can avoid shared hosting packages specially if you have a large website. A good cheap dedicated or VPS or hybrid hosting will work well.

Get rid of large images

Don’t use a heavy background image or lots of images in your homepage. Use css to make your website looks great. An average user won’t wait for more than a few seconds to visit your website. Specially for business sites it will affect a lot.

Get rid of Twitter Updates on your homepage

You might have seen how much time it takes to load the sites using twitter updates. If the twitter server is busy then it will affect your website loading time too. Avoid this if you can.

Get rid of too many advertisements specially banner ads

Too many advertisements also make your website slower. If you use banners try to host the banner images on your server. It will make your site faster.

Try to use excerpts in your homepage if you have a blog

You might have come across many blogs which have full posts on their homepages. 10-20 posts with lots of images, videos, etc make their blog homepage slower. If you are one of them try to use the excerpts in your homepage.

Take the help of Image Size Reducer

If you have to use images in your homepage, then I will suggest you to take the help of image size reducer. There are so many tools online and offline to do the job fairly well.

Last but not the least

Making your website faster can improve your ranking in the search engine results but there are lots of other parameters controlling the ranking of your website. So if you want to optimize your website for search engines like google, you have to consider those other factors too. Try to visit my website later for more tips and guides or subscribe the feed.

How and Why Should I Start Building Backlinks?

By Chris Carter

The idea behind building backlinks is as simple as trying to get links that point directly to your website. Most people do not understand the concept of this search engine optimization activity. However, if you are aiming to put up an online business, then you should carefully understand the reasons why you should spend some time in building quality backlinks for you website.

The main reason why you need to build backlinks is to get higher traffic in such a way that when people come across your links over the internet, they are most likely to click on them and visit your site. When you are able to reach more people and direct more people to your site, the more likely you are going to get your products sold. Aside from the visible links that you get to see on web pages, it can also be the start of a good viral marketing campaign wherein people who notice your site are most likely to tell their friends about it; hence, driving more visitors to your site.

There are far more other reasons on why you should concentrate on how you can effectively build backlinks and among these reasons is for your site to gain higher search engine rankings. Gone are the days when you simply have to put up your site, get a catchy domain name, and put up keyword-rich contents to see your site top the search results. The way that search engine providers such as Google, MSN Bing, and Yahoo deal with page rankings and search result positions are far more complex now.

It has been a common knowledge that what drives up your popularity and page ranking is the number of quality links that are targeted towards your website. This means that the more links you get, the higher your chances are of being on top of the search results page. However, this does not mean that search engine providers prefer the quantity of links you have rather than the quality of such. In fact, Google and Yahoo generally look into the quality of each link. Simply put, search engines will find your site to be relevant and reliable if popular sites link to you. This does not only pulls your page popularity up, but it also drives more traffic to your site while allowing you to reach more readers and prospect customers in no time.

There are far too many ways to build backlinks. In fact, the possibilities are only limited by the creativity and patience of the internet marketer. With the advent of Internet technology and the evident ease it shows in communication, it is impossible for you not to find an avenue where you can kick-off your internet marketing campaign. You can try finding sites that you like and simply e-mail the webmaster and offer a link exchange. There are also social bookmarking sites which you can take advantage of. These sites can generate quality links to your site without requiring you to link back to their site as well.

About the Author: If you would like to build backlinks but you don’t exactly know where to start, then you can avail of link building services that can help first-time internet marketers who are just new to the SEO link building world. 

How to Rank High in Search Engines Result Pages (SERP’s)

By Carolyn Clayton

Studies have revealed that 90% of Internet users find websites through search engines and out of those users, 90% do not go past the first 30 results displayed. With this in mind it is easy to see why it’s important for your website to rank high in these results.

Search Engine Results Pages (SERP's) are the pages you see after you type in a search on Google or other search engines and click on the Search button. Because 90% of people use search engines to find what they are looking for these SERP’s are the most important pages on the internet.

The Search Engines Result Pages (SERP’s) can be broadly divided into two categories: “Organic” or ”Natural” listings and Paid Advertisements usually bought on a "Pay Per Click" (PPC) basis.

Roughly 80% of clicks at Google occur within the organic listings not the PPC listings. This is why is it important to get your site to rank naturally in the search engine result pages. Getting your site to rank high is not tricky; it’s just a matter of optimising your website to be search engine friendly. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of engineering your website so it can be properly read by the search engine spiders. SEO is pretty much common sense, search engines are text analysis systems so if your webpage is full of images with little text your site will not rank high. You need to target each keyword/phrase on different pages. So if you want to target the search terms “business plans” you need to have one page with the title “business plans” and lots of text about “business plans”.

To me this is just common sense but then I have been working in the SEO field for a number of years. However it never ceases to amaze me why people still call their home pages “home” or have their business name on the title of every single page of website. The owners probably search for their business and are pleased when it comes up first in Google. This is only good for the customers that know your company which is fine for large brands like Argos or Amazon but if you’re trying to get customers from for internet users you need to optimise your text for the search engines.

The other aspect of getting high SERPs is trust and authority. It is kind of no different than any other business trying to gain trust and a good reputation. Forgetting the cyber world for a moment, in the real world established businesses have much more clout that new start up businesses. Like your favourite restaurant. If a new restaurant opened up just down the street you might not want to chance eating there and stick with your favourite restaurant. Now if you hear that its gaining a good reputation for good food you might then decide to try it out yourself. The same can be said about websites except the trust you get is via an algorithm. The more links you get from already established trusted (authoritive) sites the more Google will trust you. It makes sense really, because a good website will not link to a rubbish or not relevant website.

Another aspect of trust is by doing things with the search engines terms and conditions. This means building links naturally and using keywords excessively. Adding 500 pages in one day is not a naturally progression, search engines like websites to expand naturally, anything else and their warning lights flash which means they might look into your site and possibly penalise it.

So the only way to obtain high SERPs is to do everything the search engines like. This means building websites that are easy to navigate (so users and the crawlers can find every page easily) ,have lots of good relevant interesting content and plenty of trusted links. Make your website the best site on the internet in your chosen niche and you shouldn’t go far wrong.

About the Author: Carolyn is the webmaster of Search Solutions Ltd, experts in obtaining High Search Engines Results.

10 Typical Article Marketing Do's and Don'ts For Advertising Your Company or Internet Site

By Scott Lindsay

Article marketing is not really rocket science. If you like writing and love putting words with each other and are aware of the principles of spelling and sentence structure usage, then you might be a whole lot closer to becoming excellent at this type of promoting. There are of course things to avoid otherwise known as "don'ts" as well as things you want to focus on with marketing with articles, otherwise known as "do's"

As a result of browsing some other articles as well as your past ones, you might discover a large amount of the don'ts and do's that are essential to your internet marketing success. The more knowledgeable you grow to be with marketing, of course the more you'll learn of exactly what to avoid and what to do.

 Let's start with a number of "don'ts"

* You should never begin your rough draft with the phrase "The following article is about gardening," (or whatever it happens to be). Always begin by using a thought-provoking problem or bold statement. The concept would be to draw your audience in and make them want to understand more about what you have published.

* Never make your article too long. Shorter ones tend to be more powerful with fewer chances of your reader becoming lost in your article.

* You should not turn your written article into a big product sales message. Steer clear of this process, it won't improve your results. Your readers are searching for true information or, precisely what could this do for me personally? They are not looking for hyped-upped ad copy.

* You should never overly cram keywords and phrases into the articles. The various search engines aren't keen on it.

* Don't confuse your readers by starting off a sentence and never answering it or not identifying the resolution in the article.

And now for the do's

* Discuss ideas that you're experienced in or you have expertise in. When you possess experience with a certain subject, it always shows in your writing

* Do proofread your article, and then proofread it once again checking for spelling and grammar errors before posting it on the internet.

* You should always include a professional bio box with your article. Attempt to help make the reader interested in what else you provide.

* Regularly write articles and submit them to directories and websites. You should not stop at just submitting to a tiny handful. It's going to take many submissions for you to benefit from it.

* Pay attention to your article statistics. Which ones are getting you the most traffic. You should promote or showcase those specific articles somehow.

There you have it, some simple do's and don'ts of article marketing. If you don't work marketing the proper way, then you're wasting your time. You can write the best pieces in the world, however, if they're not represented correctly, or you don't follow the basic tips above, you are also wasting their time. Why not do it the proper way to begin with?

About the Author: Learn about Working From Home and Start Your Own Work At Home Business at WAHCheck. Don't Work From Home until you do a WAHCheck!

How to Market With Articles

By Darwin Moore

Article marketing has a lot of power to attract web traffic, turn that traffic into customers, and make several sales a day. You can use article marketing to sell any product on earth, from a house, to a car, to a computer to a software package, to a pen or paper, as long as you can earn a commission, article marketing is the perfect way to make sales.

First you need to become an expert in the profitable niche. Insurance products require you to have deep knowledge about insurance, your article is the sales man and a poor article will not make a reader stay long and much less purchase anything from you. Start by perfecting your knowledge about those profitable niches and turn article marketing into a power house of money.

Second, you need to write a long article. Small articles do not present the reader with much expertise, do not show you are a true expert, just another writer trying to sell them something. Longer articles possess more keyword count and keyword diversity. The ideal article is always at least four hundred keywords long and the perfect article at least one thousand keywords long. Those writers with free time should aim to keep the article as long as possible specially for expensive products. Trying to sell a computer and earning 20% of the revenue? You definitely need to write at least three thousand words, like a sales letter.

Third keep the reader interested in reading more about your expertise. If the directory allows, place several related reading links and focus on the product, send the reader to an article that is similar to the article the reader just read. For example you can write about computer search and in another article internet search or computer desktop search. All topics must be either exact or very similar.

Fourth, aim to keep your article views high all the time, this salesman is very important but only if the salesman is getting customers. Send your article to all directories, Facebook if you have interested friends, Twitter if your followers love article marketing and StumbleUpon and Digg and all other networks that allow articles to be added and indexed. The more the better, this is a key component to success!

One article has enough power to deliver endless traffic, as long as the article is cared about. To care about an article means to constantly increase its size, adding new information, make it fresh. There is no sense in writing a ton of low quality articles that no one reads or clicks.

Finally, your article marketing techniques must be developed by learning new keywords. Google is blind to anything but keywords and so are readers. Research deeply the right keywords, keep them fresh and use them all each one in a new article. Do not combine keywords to confuse search engines and readers.

Remember the final goal is to convert a reader into a customer and then into a loyal reader and finally a loyal customer.


Finding The Most Successful Keywords And Phrases In Keyword Marketing

By Scott Lindsay

There is money to be made in finding the right keywords to be used in your site, marketing and design. In the event you are not specific enough you can be certain the effort you put directly into your website won't be as effective as you would like. Making space for essentially the most successful keywords and phrases will be a primary thing to consider within your online niche market.

Numerous ideas can be found which match a niche market. The trouble is for every good idea that's executed well there are dozens that are thrown together with very little focus on fine detail.

One particular intriguing niche is gourmet pickles. These come in such unique flavors as lime or cinnamon. Keyword choices for this type of business will be crucial.

It is easy to assume the majority of pickles that happen to be eaten come from regular supermarket shelves, yet there will usually be those who want an experience that's in some way better or even more unique than the classic crunch of a store bought jar of pickles. That's where the market of gourmet pickles comes in.

You could perform some preliminary research on the types of cucumbers utilized in the pickle making process. Consider if there's anything unique concerning the canning procedure that could be a phrase sought by some consumers. What flavors of pickles do you provide? Become a person that pays a significant degree of focus on information. Use those aspects to develop worthwhile keywords and phrases for Search Engine Optimization (SEO.)

Using particular keywords and phrases in your website content is important to the profitable searchability of your website. Every article you're posting, all of the description you compose, every press release you put together should take notice of the distinct keywords and phrases you might have identified will be most useful when you are looking at search results. If you focus on keywords choices you will find that search engines like google may observe and rank your site much better for this particular term.

The reason it is important to pay attention to these types of terms is the fact that when you only use profitable keywords some of the time then you're really losing useful internet space for material that may be valuable, but has no promoting use.

You could possibly impress the reader using the content, but without the helpful keywords or phrases you have very little power to draw those readers to your website. Consider everything you do as potential way to get visitors to your site. The keyword selection gets them on board; the exact content is what keeps them there and causes them to consider the importance of your message and product to their lives and personal interests.

There are online tools you should utilize to fine-tune the keywords you use in your online content so there should be no excuse not to identify and begin using these words to help turn a profit. You didn’t go into business to be timid so there is nothing wrong with making certain your message gets the attention of search engines that can introduce you to actual customers.

About the Author: Want to build a Niche Website Empire? Niche Ideas found for you. Use the niche finder at Niche Ideas Finder. Discover profitable niches that will make you big money.


Top Secret Tool Builds Traffic

By Larry Johnson

Is it possible that today's internet marketers are missing one of the best, most powerful marketing methods available to them today.

Something that is lying right under their noses and still they have overlooked it.

Something that is free, yes I said it, "free", and they have missed the opportunity to seize it and use it to it's fullest.

There are many methods of promotion available on the internet and off line too. For several years I have tried just about everything, but there is one that I have not utilized fully. Along with others, I had underestimated the value and power of a press release.

Many netrepreneurs are not using the best promotion tool available, according to one expert in the field. Angie Dixon, the Press Release Diva, advises that press releases are the best marketing tool most people aren't using.

A well-written press release, distributed by the several high-quality free press release distribution services on the Net, can bring a wave of traffic, says Dixon.

"I recently ran a press release through a free service. The release was picked up by Google Alerts. I got a subscriber every 87 minutes for 24 hours. I couldn't buy that kind of result," Dixon says.

Yet most netrepreneurs aren't using press releases at all, or aren't using them correctly. This is all about to change.

Dixon gives two reasons for this. Many people, she explains, aren't aware that press releases can be such a powerful marketing tool. Others know about press releases but do not know how to write an effective release.

Angie Dixon, the Press Release Diva, offers an interactive online course in press release writing. You will discover all of the necessary skills and tools to develop,distribute and track your press releases.

The additional traffic you will receive from the press releases will be welcome and best of all it is free.

About the Author: interactive course, visit: Learn More The first session begins January 16. Course openings are limited. Enroll now. This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box remains intact.

5 Things You Need To Promote

5 Things You Need To Promote

By Larry Johnson

I have always been impressed with those webmasters and others on line who do such a great job of promoting their business.

If two more-or-less equally skilled persons start a business on the internet, how is it that one of them does great and the other fails?

They must have some secret weapon that I haven't discovered yet. At least that is what I used to think, but I was wrong.

Here are 5 characteristics with which I believe anyone can improve their promotional efforts. These are present in most all successful on line workers.

- Organization

Basically, they have a plan that they use each week to approach the task of promotion of their business.

Something as simple as a checklist of tasks and activities for each day of the week.

A simple system that they use each day, and it keeps them on track...away for distractions.

I had a good friend who used to say, "Plan your work, and work your plan".

She was a very successful business woman that followed her own advice.

- Consistency

They have surveyed lot of on line methods and determined the ones they will use. Once they have selected those methods they stay with them.

They don't jump around each day or so looking for the "magic bullet" with which to promote.

Hard work and consistency are keys in the daily activities of the successful on line worker.

- Determination

They aren't easily swayed by the latest email offer on line. Although they are open to new changes and software that can improve their efficiency.

They are not distracted to the point they lose momentum in their weekly checklist of activities and tasks.

I'll have to admit that email is a big distracter for me. If I would spend as much time promoting as I do with email, I would do a lot better job.

- Helpfulness

I think I see this attitude of wanting to share and be helpful to others in most all of the ones who have made it 'big" on line.

Reaching back and giving a hand to someone to help them up the hill seems to come easily to many of them.

I believe it was Zig Ziglar who said, "You can have anything you want as long as your willing to help others get what they want".

It's a good philosophy we might all adopt.

- Faith

They believe in themselves and what they are selling. They know that their product or service is good and many will benefit from it.

They are never involved in anything that is shady, or illegal. They seem to make a great effort to select and promote legitimate items and services.

I respect that in them.

- Larry

Note: (This article may be reprinted in your newsletter or on your site by leaving the resource below box intact.)

About the Author: Work Smarter Not Harder- Get your Fr*ee Guide to "Website Automation" a terrific 25-page ebook full time-saving resources.

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What Are the Benefits of Pay Per Click Advertising?

By Penny Lane

Pay per click advertising is intimidating to some. They do not completely understand what PPC is and they fail to see the benefits of using something like this for their own business. Pay for click is a great way to grow a business online and to increase the return on investment. PPC is simple, once you really get an understanding for how it works. If you are new to the scene and you are trying to figure out the ins and outs of running an online business, you need to do a lot of research. You might want to work with an expert who is willing to show you the ropes and guide you through the process of setting up successful sites and turning your basic ideas into ideas that generate money. At the very least, you need to do a tremendous amount of research in order to find success in the Internet marketing world.

PPC is an advertising method that lets you put your advertisments in text on a search engine page. Think of one of the popular search engines and what you see when you type in a search term. Several results pop up, both in the center of the screen and off to the side. Some are sponsored results, meaning you are paying for them to be there and others happen naturally based on how well you have built your site. PPC usually appears on the natural list, sometimes called the organic results, and you only pay when people choose your entry.

Using PPC allows you to target a specific geographical area. If you find that customers are more interested in your product from a different part of the world, PPC allows you to focus on that country or region. You do not need to set up a shop in a certain country to achieve results. You simply select a given country as your target and those people are going to be driven to your site. If you think your product or service is better suited for a particular region of the world, this is going to save you money because you can set your focus on one place.

PPC gives you control over the cost of your campaign. You decide what you want to pay for each visitor that follows the ink. This enables you to outbid those who might want to use similar search result terms and get more attention and more visitors than you. However, if you want to keep your costs reasonable, you can avoid the expensive terms and stick with the amount you want to pay.

The best part about PPC is that you get fast results. Visitors come to your site and you have little to worry about in regard to building an optimized site to get higher rankings. It can take weeks or longer to build a site that is capable of producing the results of PPC as quickly. Once you set up your PPC campaign, you are set to go and you will see visitors increase.

About the Author: Penny Lane has searched the term pay per click to find a company to do her e-marketing. She thought the pay for click is a great way to increase her online business.

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Building Search Into Your Organization

By Andrew Hallinan

Most corporations understand that a great search strategy relies mostly on incorporating the absolute best practices throughout their organizations. It can become a nightmare as a corporation’s activities start to become separated from each other. Departments often have territorial or political reasons for not talking and communicating interdepartmentally, and sometimes the organization of these departments prohibit excellent communication across multiple branches.

The key to great support comes from the top down. If your upper management creates an environment which is central to having search strategies a priority, then it can then be a goal shared by the entire corporation. Upper management absolutely needs to provide the necessary resources for search integration and to make sure that all departments are motivated to create great upward momentum to the search marketing strategy.

Here are some tips to great content architecture across your organization.

1. Make sure that your website has the most useful and functional information architecture possible
Make sure that multiple pages don’t have similar or thin content. Will your website’s visitors be confused at all? Is the page they access relevant to the information they’re looking for? Don’t ever confuse your visitors, and don’t ever show them something they aren’t looking for. Keep it simple!

2. Make sure that the copy on your website speaks to your customer
Keyword research is a huge part of this. You must make absolutely certain that anyone writing web copy has access to (and understands) your keyword research. Make sure they use this research in the writing and development of web copy – if your core demographic is high school children, don’t write using the vocabulary of someone with a PHD.

3. Although your meta keywords tag is not helpful in search engine optimization, it can be helpful in collaboration.
Often, a company will spend countless dollars and time on research about how to speak to their customer, how to create the best marketing calls, marketing segments, and then a copywriter will change the message without realizing all of the energy that was put into the message. To help avoid this, make sure the copywriter has coordinated site wide, and make sure they incorporate the correct keywords into the content. Don’t focus too much on keyword density, but rather on providing valuable content.

4. Remember that every page of your site is a possible entry point.
Every page of your website is a possible entry point for your customer and should be developed using this mentality. Make sure that each page clearly states the primary subject, provides contextual navigation and momentum about the rest of the website, helps the visitor complete a task/find what they were looking for, and to motivate the visitor into your sales funnel. Pages often don’t have a strong call to action and conversions may suffer greatly.

Your corporation should create a checklist for each page to ensure all of these actions get met.

5. Make sure that your website has a great internal linking structure.
This is absolutely crucial to make sure that you have an easily crawlable website. At least one internal link should be in place to each page of your website. A page that does not have an internal link to it is called an “orphan page” and will never be seen by the search engines.

6. Think about what you’re going to link to from the home page.
Your website’s home page is the page that most visitors will see – so it’s important that you link to your most important pages. Search engines also recognize this, and they use your home page link architecture as a sign of what your most important pages are.

About the Author: Andrew Hallinan is the owner of Tampa Search Engine Optimization company, and is Tampa Bay's leading Search Marketing Specialist. Andrew Hallinan has more free tips and advice at his blog.

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Ways to Make Money from Home

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Special Offer
Need some extra cash? There are dozens of legitimate work-from-home opportunities available, and many let you get started without paying a cent. Here are just a few easy ways you can make money from the comfort of home.
1. Sell your own arts and crafts projects
Thousands are putting their creative skills to use and selling their artwork or craft projects online. You can join communities such as to set up a storefront and start selling your latest works today.
2. Set up a home-based bakery
If you enjoy baking and want to bake for special occasions, parties and local events, all you need is a food sales license to get started. (Check with your state's department of agriculture to learn more.) You can sell baked goods from home and work with local restaurants or catering companies to start building your client base.
3. Sell beauty products
If you're a fan of Avon or Mary Kay products, consider becoming an independent rep for these beauty lines and make a commission on every sale. As an independent consultant, you also have the chance to host parties and social events to drum up sales.
4. Set up an eBay business
Do you have access to wholesale merchandise? Consider setting up an eBay store to sell your products to a wide audience. You can create an online store and start selling within minutes; you only need some basic digital photography and Web skills to make a professional storefront.
5. Make money writing articles online
You can write articles and get paid upfront from content publishers such as Associated Content and Demand Studios. These sites are looking for articles on hundreds of topics including gardening, crafts, travel, shopping, business and more. Writing articles is an easy way to get paid for what you know.
6. Become a tutor
Home-based tutoring services are looking for online tutors who have degrees or certificates in various subjects. If you have strong online communication skills and meet eligibility requirements, you can be a tutor for a K-12 student or college student who needs your help.
7. Maintain a blog
Bloggers can make a steady income writing about virtually any topic of interest and earn money through advertising. Making money with a blog can take time, so you need to be dedicated to get any return on your investment. Still, the effort can be worth it, especially if you have specialized knowledge about a particular topic.
8. Sell gift baskets online
You can own and operate your own gift basket business without having to buy inventory with Web sites such as Gift baskets are delivered through a drop-shipping company, and you make a commission on each sale.
9. Become a virtual assistant
If you've ever been an administrative assistant in the offline world, transfer your skills online and do common tasks for clients. Web sites such as can help you get started.
10. Offer personal assistant services
Do you know some busy business owners in the local area? Consider offering personal assistant services to take care of everyday tasks such as grocery shopping, picking up office supplies and running other errands. You can get paid per job, or by the hour.
When you get past the scams and track down the legitimate work-from-home opportunities, you can start making an income on your own schedule.

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